Get To Know Me


Body & Energy Work




Retreats & Coaching



Like you, I am many things. Healer. Intuitive. Yoga teacher. Energy worker. Massage therapist. Mom. I love to frolic around the mountains on my bike or skis. I relish playing with my kids, and I am always on the lookout for some new zany adventure—inside or out, on my own or with others.

It’s a full life, and yet each of those identities and experiences informs the way I work with my clients. I bring my full self and each of the modalities I practice to you, so you can feel better and heal, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Getting more familiar with me before booking - read about my journey into these healing practices:

My journey as a healer began in college...

when I earned a Bachelor’s in Health Science in Athletic Training from Duquesne University. In many ways, I loved it. I learned about the body, the physics and mechanics of body movement, and how to take care of athletes and sports teams.

But working in the training room, I knew in my gut and heart that there was more to healing than ice and exercise. I also noticed that intuitively using my hands helped injuries heal faster and got players back on the field sooner.

Following my instinct, I attended the NW School of Massage in Seattle. Six-hundred training hours later, I felt so much closer to my true calling as a healer. Yet I also knew that some important puzzle piece—some understanding of the human body—was missing.




...That’s when I discovered Forrest Yoga...


a form of yoga that emphasizes healing, incorporates Native American Medicine, and taking that transformation off the mat and into your life. After studying with founding teacher Ana Forrest herself, I earned my teacher training certificate and healed an old whiplash injury from college. I loved it so much that I have now accumulated over 1,000 hours of training in Forrest Yoga.

Integrating that knowledge into my practice, along with my training in health science, massage and reiki has allowed me to give my students a more rounded experience when coming to my classes. Yummy hands on assists and support to the body energetically when/where needed are staples from me in all of my classes.

Of course, no one’s transformation is ever complete...


The process of growth and renewal is ongoing. So when I discovered the subtler realms of energy work through a 3 year dark night of the soul, I earned a Level 2 certification in Reiki and now use it in every massage and in my yoga classes. I also have been studying to be a Shamen and psychic to learn how to deeper travel into the realms and to help my clients clear and heal from a more soul prospective. All the energy work combined that I do is an amazing and powerful way I’ve found to release muscles, promote deep relaxation, clear emotional residue, and really help people move forward as their true Spirits.


If you’re looking to find yourself again,
clear out some emotional baggage, create more balance into your life, recover from an injury faster, or just need to relax, I would love to talk about how I can help you. I love doing all of this! 


Much Love & Light,
Helen Sage


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